jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

Trump really losing it , writes things in really funny way

Makes fun of senators he doesn’t like - especially Republican senators who don’t support him any more. One is from West Virginia and he writes the state’s name in a very funny way. Colbert criticizes one senator for only criticizing Trump when they are about to leave the senate. Colbert is great. Click here. Subtitles

Strife = tension fighting

Tearing apart at the seams = clothes breaking from where they are

, rompiendoe por las costuras in Spanish

sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2018

Very moderate Palestinian activist addresses Sinn Fein

I think this man is both humble and fair minded. He could be the Palestinian Mandela the world has been waiting for perhaps. You have to press onto  OPEN APP at the top center for the subtitles to appear. CLICK HERE

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

Really nice interview with Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama talks about meeting and dating Barack Obama, who she meets interviewing him for a job at a law firm where she already worked, how they started dating, how at first he argued against getting married but finally proposed to her, how she handled advice to her husband and tried to keep her family life normal — and what she thinks of Donald Trump!


An Upstart  = an ambitious new guy ( about her husband)

A hotshot = a charismatic and sexy guy

Bar can have 2 meanings besides a place to drink

1. El listón ( the level you have to achieve to succeed)
2. The exam you need to pass to practice law. They celebrated when Barack passed the bar.

On what I saw, there are subtitles. I hope they appear on the link.  Yes, they do.