jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

B1.3 (and all groups)

Bea just sent me this mssg wiht links to great love songs in English:

Kate asked me if I didn't Know any romantic song in english cause I put one song in spanish. Well, I have to say that I Know some great and romantic songs in english:
1.- I don't wanna miss a thing (aerosmith): really passionate...


2.- I will always love you (Whitney Houston): really sad...


3.- Set Fire to the Rain (Adele): complicated love (I think...)


4.-Every thing I do, (I do) it for you (Bryan Adams): the title says it all, if I get married, I'll put this song in my wedding :-)


5.- Your song (Elton John): guys, these are the things that a gril wants to hear.


6. - Etc...There are so many fantastic love songs in english...

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Conv. B1 and B2 classes: First Day exercises

For both Conv. B1 and B2:

Word Web: click here

Error analysis and false friends: click here

Project Organizer: click here

Questionnaire Conv. B1: click here

Questionnaire Conv. B2: Click here

B1.3 Friday afternoons

Since I forgot to ask someone to summarize the class again, I'll do it.  It's less necessary, though since only a few people were absent.

First, we reviewed the document about the 3 conditionals.

Then in groups of 3, we talked about the different crime cases that you were supposed to research and made sentences in the 3rd conditional.

Next we did short dialogs in the 3rd conditional and the listening and repetition exercises on p. 27 to get the pronunciation of the 3rd conditional ( WOULDA  or WOULD OF  and contraction of HAD to 'd).

We spoke about  "identity theft", paying for things online, having your credit card robbed and different cases.

Finally we played a board game ( juego de mesa) about sentences with the 3rd conditional.

HOMEWORK: Reading on Identity Theft and ex. 3 (questions) and #4 and #5 pp. 28-9. Also study expressions of Real World  on p. 30

I'm also going to give you a very pretty but sad song :( that uses the 2nd condtional a lot) as extra and more entertainling homework to do on your own.

Click here for link to song

And here for exercise on song with words

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

B1.3 Friday afternoons

I forgot to ask a student to make a summary of last Friday's class, so I will do it.

First we corrected Progress Test 2 in class, exchanging Tests.

Then we reviewed the vocabulary about crimes on page 24 and discussed the questions in c) in small groups.

Next we did the questionnaire about honesty in pairs and studied the 2nd conditional (pp.24-25) both with the exercises in the book and others that I brought in.

Finally, we did the vocabulary  on p. 26 on verbs and complements related to crimes that go together and did listening.

I told the class that I had received a note from the CSIM saying that, since May 3rd will be a holiday, we should make all the classes from now on 15 minutes longer.  We decided that we will begin at 15.55 instead of 16.00 starting next Friday. But we also decided that adding another10 minutes at the end would make the class too long, so instead I shuld give more independent video exercises like The Simpsons, which you can do outside class and other interesting homework. I said I would provide a link to the song If I Were a Rich Man from the film Fiddler on the Roof and here it is below.

The video clip  found has subtitles in English, so it makes my exericise very easy, but I am including it anyway because it will force you to concentrate more on the lyrics.
Click for exercise

Click here  for video clip.  Enjoy! the actor is super cute and funny!

Also, for an extra conversation activity, read on the web about one of these famous crimes in the US and be prepared to talk about it:
- OJ Simpson
- The Assassination of John Lennon
- The Aurora Colorado shooting ( 2012)
-  Columbine High School
- Bernie Maddox
- The Menendez Brothers
- Scott Peterson/ Lacey Peterson
- Casey Anthony
- Enron
- Newtown elementary school

FINALLY study this doc. on the 3 condtionals as next Friday we will concentrate on the 3rd conditional and contrast it with the 2nd.
Click here

I know this is a lot but I think the material is interesting.


lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Con. B1 15.30

Hi Class!

I have been too busy to respond.  Víctor has left, but we can see each other when he gets back.

I would vote for getting together Wednesday or Thursday ---- or next week.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Conv. B1 15.30

Hi Class,

Victor just wrote this to us:
Estimad@s tod@s:
we can meet up for the dinner or whatever in the peruvian restaurant on Monday? I´m leaving on Tuesday at 12 o´clock to Vienna and I´m arraging some documents and stuffs. Who´s thinking of coming that day?

The problem is that I have a meeting on tFebruary 11th. Could we possibly make it on Sunday Feb. 10th?    Please!

Kate :)

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

B 1.3 Fridays


I am publishing Progress Test 2 for you to do during the break.

Also, I have changed my my about the other assignment for you to do. In class, I'd mentioned some exercises to begin Unit 3.

But at the end of the class, Juan told me that he'd looked at my very first blog post of  25 January 2012 about Etta James and the song At Last and he really liked it.  I made that blog to give students something interesting during the break last year and since it coincided with "Valentine's Day", I made it about love songs. I was going to give it for homework after your first day back - 1 day after Valentine´s Day - but, thinking about it, it's probably better to do it now. So go to my 1st post. Just go to the "archivos" on the right, click on 2012 and then on enero, which has only one post!
 It has several parts:1- listening to the song and writing the lyrics without reading them  (then checking)
2- writing something short about the picture
3- posting YOUR  favorite love song in English and telling why you like it.
YOU CAN POST IT WITH THE YOUTUBE LINK HERE AS A COMMENT: IT'S A NICE WAY OF SHARING.  As for the comments on the picture, you can email them to me or post them.

Here's the Progess Test!

For all my Conversation groups

Hi all,

Today is the day the grades for the "Cuatrimestrales" had to be handed in. I brought in my Actas in on Friday, so I am sure that they will be published on the CSIM website soon.

Everyone who finished the course passed and with a NOTABLE or SOBRESALIENTE.

ALL the presentations in all 3 classes were very good and showed work.

In my first Conv. B1, from 15.30 to 17.30  there were 4 SOBRESALIENTES ( and 2 others that were very high notables).

In the second Conv. B 1,  I believe everyone got a NOTABLE, some with higher numerical grades, others lower. There were one or two who would have recieved a SOBRE but your attendance was more irregular.

The Conv. B2 was more similar to th2nd Conv. B1 one but with 1 SOBRE.

As for the earlier Conv. B1, are we still "on" for a Peruvian dinner on Feb. 12th. Can Víctor make the reservation?

Finally, a link to a funny YouTube which is also good for your English comprehension. If you can't see it casue it's private on the web, please let me know!
Einstein the parrot, click here