martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Friday class's Presentations

Congratulations and hat's off to the Friday class's presentations this afternoon!! I was a little sad and annoyed at 2 people who didn't come and whose presentations we were expected. But those who did them "hit it out of the ball park" to use an American baseball expression!!

I am going to post a copy of the words to the song as they are very special and I will post links to the videos as soon as I can!  :)
Here's a link to the video clip of the song from my Dropbox.
Click here It has downloaded! Song starts 3 minutes into video clip.

AND the great scene from The Odd Couple
1st part Click here.
 May take a few minutes to download and sorry my video camera is so jumpy!

CLICK HERE  for 2nd part of scene.( very short)

3rd and final part of Odd Couple  CLICK HERE

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Conv B2 :More listening practice

We spoke about these videoclips in one of the conversation courses. It's relevant to the YouTube clip and how children today are so different and so attached to advanced technology.


lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Conv. B2 class on Wed. May 14th

To clarify things, we DO have class this Wednesday the 14th!

We will do some work with intonation, then play taboo with the vocabulary from the Love and Travel and Tourism lists and then do on other game.

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Conv. B2 Monday and Tuesday

We will finish the exercises that we didn't do from FACEBOOK MANNERS AND YOU.
In the Mon. -Wed. class, this was the 2nd viewing questions and the vocabulary. In the Tues- Thurs. we did these so it will be only the Vocabulary.
Then we will discuss a Sherlock Holmes mystery, which comes in 3 letters A, B and C. Each student got only 1 letter, which makes it more interesting cause you need to exchange information before solving.  Anyone who who was absent, I can send you a copy of 1 of the letters before the class if you email

I will post the things for the Wed. class later.

And ---congratulations to Virginia and Isabela for a brilliant presentation!

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

More interesting video clip(s) with transcript

This is about te toxicity of chemicalfire retardants, which in most furniture in the US, and probably cause cancer. 2 minutes with transcript.


domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

For B2.2 And Conv. B2.2: Wonderful website for pronunciation UPDATED!!

Wonderful website for practicing your pronunciation fro the presentations  .

  CLICK HERE Then enter word or sentence(s) you would like to hear pronounced, enter the name of a male or female, UK or US according to what you want and click on SAY IT. Make sure it's a standard English that you like!!  Good luck

Document on stress and intonation in English: important for presentations: We will review as a warm-up    CLICK HERE