lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

a young female comic introduces Bernie Sanders

I don't know if you know about Bernie Sanders, the first self-declared Socialist candidate for US president who actually has a chance of becoming President of the US. He is in a very close with Hillary Clinton, who is center left, certainly much better than Donalid Trump and another year would be a very acceptable candidate, but who has taken money from Wall St. and lobbies, like most politicians.

Here he is being introduced by Sarah Silverman, a young and very cute female comedian. Her speech is short and easy to understand and the subtitles are perfect.

Vocabulary tip: neat = "guay"


martes, 15 de marzo de 2016


Hi all and whoever,

This is a series of 3 video clips. The topic is serious but it is something I feel very strongly about - the criminal justice or INJUSTICE  system and how people with mental illness problems are put in jail because there are no adequate mental health services.

Even "Obama Care" has not fixed his problem, though it is finally beginning to address it.

Bernie Sanders has made changing this situation a priority and, to her credit, Hillary Clinton has followed him in taking this situation seriously too.

As you may imagine, the leading Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, only want to cut more costs for health spending and think locking up "undesirable people" is the way to make America safe.

The woman in the first clip speaks very clearly and the subtitles, which you get by clicking onto cc, are perfect.


jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

comic video against Donald Trump

John Oliver, a great British comedian, takes a look and a laugh at the crazy and unbelievable phenomenon of Donald Trump. In the end, he reveals that the original surname of Donald's father was DRUMPF, which he changed to Trump. Not only exactly presidential sounding! A bit difficult but you have subtitles by tapping on little rectangle with cc on the bottom right.