viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

A TED talk about Doctors, patients and pharmaceuticals

A little long but very interesting and with subtitles (if they don’t appear automatically, click on bottom right and the English.)


miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Short video about brave Palestinestinian teen

This brave Palestinian teenage girl is so brave and is acting so unfairly. The teenager survivors of the Parkland Florida survivors of the shooting are being quite brave and strong too, talking angrily to Trump and other politicians. Someone said last night on CNN “ The children are acting like leaders and the leaders are acting like children

If the above doesn’t work CLICK HERE

There are a few mistakes in the subtitles. For example, the cousin says”I am 11 years old” and they write “ nine beloved years old”. They spell Ahed Tamimi’s name wrong, she says “some soldier “ and they write “ dumb soldier”, which would be nastier, and finally they write “in gym” instead of IN JAIL! last mistake is important but other than these errors it’s good.

sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018

Another short satire about English with subtitles

Four people in the same English class have trouble speaking correctly . One makes mistakes inngrammar, the next in spelling and words (like dyslexia) one says she has a very small vocabulary-how does she show this- and the last mixes her metaphors and idioms (modismos). Try to find the mistakes each one makes and correct them. You can leave a comment if you have doubts


anti Social satire with subtitles in Spanish

Found with subtitles in Spanis in case with no subtitles it was too difficult

A short human interest clip with subtitles

A 3 year old girl geniois. Really surprising

CLICK HERE  if top link doesn’t work

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Anti Social satire on social networks

Young people today think that someone who isn’t on any social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,etc is anti social and even dangerous because you can’t find out anything about him.
Unfortunately, no subtitles.

Nightmare= bad dream (pesadilla)

Off the grid = outside normal communication. Has no history

Boobs= slang for women’s breasts


A rest from political satire: funny short video on how crazy English is