jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

Trump really losing it , writes things in really funny way

Makes fun of senators he doesn’t like - especially Republican senators who don’t support him any more. One is from West Virginia and he writes the state’s name in a very funny way. Colbert criticizes one senator for only criticizing Trump when they are about to leave the senate. Colbert is great. Click here. Subtitles

Strife = tension fighting

Tearing apart at the seams = clothes breaking from where they are

, rompiendoe por las costuras in Spanish

sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2018

Very moderate Palestinian activist addresses Sinn Fein

I think this man is both humble and fair minded. He could be the Palestinian Mandela the world has been waiting for perhaps. You have to press onto  OPEN APP at the top center for the subtitles to appear. CLICK HERE

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

Really nice interview with Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama talks about meeting and dating Barack Obama, who she meets interviewing him for a job at a law firm where she already worked, how they started dating, how at first he argued against getting married but finally proposed to her, how she handled advice to her husband and tried to keep her family life normal — and what she thinks of Donald Trump!


An Upstart  = an ambitious new guy ( about her husband)

A hotshot = a charismatic and sexy guy

Bar can have 2 meanings besides a place to drink

1. El listón ( the level you have to achieve to succeed)
2. The exam you need to pass to practice law. They celebrated when Barack passed the bar.

On what I saw, there are subtitles. I hope they appear on the link.  Yes, they do.


sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

A Ted talk about infidelity

Another non political videoclip. Humorous, sophisticated, wise and enjoyable.


Betrayal= traición ( treason is more political, used in the context of against one’s country)

Perpetrator = infractor, the person who commits a bad act


Motivational speech by Denzel Washington

Here’s a videoclip of a speech by the Oscar-winning actor Denzel Washington to class graduating from the university. Quite strong. Has good subtitles.

New vocabulary:

U-haul= a truck or van for transporting furniture, clothes etc. especially when you move.

Hearse = funeral car

(there are no U-hauls behind hearses = you can’t take anything with you when you die)

Think outside the box= think in  an unconventional way


sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018

Bill Maher monologue with excellent subtitles

Fantastic. Funny and serious at the same time- and true.

Coup= putsche, golpe de estado, illegal takeover by the government..

Joint= a marijuana cigarette

 CLICK HERE if you don’t see subtitles, click onto little box with cc at bottom right

A few times he says “Shit” but not in subtitles! Otherwise they are fine.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Another Trevor Noah with good subtitles

About Trump firing his Attorney General and replacing him with a man named Whitaker, who doesn’t sound very legal. Jeff Sessions has been very hard on integration and arguably a racist, like Trump. But he was a person of interest in and could be indicted by the Mueller investigation, since he met with Russians during Trump’s campaign and he knew the law well enough to understand the conflict of interest, so he recused him. Since then, Trump has hated and insulted hm and has taken advantage of his win in the senate to fire Sessions now. Noah thinks Sessions looks like Mr. Clean or one of Santa’s elves. For older Spaniards- also think he looks like Arias Navarro!
Excellent subtitles..Click onto cc box on bottom right to see them.

Attorney General= official who leads the department of justice
Scam= an illegal plan to get money, similar to hoax
To Shit-talk, or trash= to speak very badly about someone
To get away with something = to do something wrong without getting caught


jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Trump accosts CNN reporter very rudely ...

In the end, he doesn’t let him speak and takes away his microphone.

No subtitles unfortunately..

Unfortunately no subtitles but you can understand the tone! And only 2 and a half minutes.

Main vocabulary

Campaign = campaña in Spanish

 Border= frontier between 2 countries

Ad= advertisement ( political or commercial)

Demonize= To say a person or group is like the devil

Run= can be like manage or govern

Hoax= a false trick, often to get money fraudulently ( timo in Spanish )

Mike= short for microphone

I’m not a fan of yours = I don’t like you either

Ratings= level of people who watch a tv program

Fake news = noticias supuestamente falsas
Indictments = inculpaciones


Ironic video about staying healthy

I’ve been very busy with different activities, including anti Trump activism previous to these elections. In a little while I will post an infamous videoclip where  at a news conference, Trump violates the freedom of speech of a CNN reporter only for acting like a reporter!

However, I have promised to post videoclip that has nothing to do with politics and more with everyday topics,  CLICK HERE Good subtitles!
Almonds a kind of nu( almendra)
Oats = a kind o grain ( cebada in Spanish)
Kale= a green leafy vegetable similar to spinac
To be the rage= to be the latest fashion, trend or “in” thing
Only 3 minutes. Hope you enjoy.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Disturbing view of Trump and other leaders in Europe who are following his example

I think quite a few people in Europe see Trump as crazy and unstable but a clown, who nonetheless has  found a miraculous winning formula for the economy and unemployment. This second  idea, that Trump has been excellent with the economy-and great with employment “ looks a great deal less impressive if you compare him with his predecessor. US unemployment was at 10% when Barack Obama  became president at the end of 2008, right after the economic crisis exploded with the fall of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stevens. This crisis originated in the USA and certainly was not the work of any European president, even though leaders of opposition parties tried to make citizens think the opposite. So Obama took over a crashed economy responsible for the worldwide recession. When Obama left in November of 2016 unemployment had dropped to 4’6%, a drop of 5,4%. He never bragged about it. After almost 2 years the braggadocius Trump has brought it down to 3,6- 1% more, he even he loves to say he’s the one who created the economic miracle and for some reason many there and around the world, who don’t examine figures that can be found by checking google, repeat his inaccurate figures and believe him.
As for the first idea, that he’s just a crazy clown, a New York Times video shows he is something far more dangerous- a leader wth deep fascist tendencies

You can put subtitles by clicking onto the rectangular box with cc on it. It’s serious but I think should be taken seriously

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

Clever and funny political monologue by Seth Meyers with subtitles

I keep wanting to post something not political, like a TED talk or a new vocabulary list, this is so funny. I imagine you know about the new book by Bob Woodward, one of the 2 Washington Post reporters who uncovered the Nixon Watergate scandal 45 years ago. In it, he cites present numerous members of the Trump administration who called President Trump unstable, amoral, ignorant,an idiot and worse. The book naturally has become a best seller and it doesn’t come out until Monday! Several days ago, an anonymous editorial appeared in a he NYT, in which an important administration official reiterated what was said in the he Woodward book and stated that he only keeps working in the White House to counteract Donald Trump’s worse instincts and save the country! Of course, Trump is crazy to know who wrote it and wants to prosecute him for treason though he committed no crime. But all the important administration officials deny it. People have said and I agree that it’s like “Murder in the Orient Express” and the end will be too- that all you he Administracion officials who participated in Woodward’s book wrote it together.

One vocabulary note: DENTURES pronounced DENCHARS, is Dentatura postiza.

Hope you understand and enjoy.

Link  Sorry, last night it had subtitles but now it doesn’t. Will try to changeCLICK HEREhttps://youtu.be/OxwOsHHsv8I.  Perhaps for subtitles, you’ll have to go to YouTube a type in Seth Myers, A Closer Look and click on the one called more or less Trump attacks Woodward 8 min 50 sec

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

A wonderful and funny conversation

A conversation between Bill Maher, one of my favorite critical comedians and Anthony Bourdain, a traveling TV celebrity cook, whose programs were a window into the cultures he visited and social commentaries as well as about food.
Very sadly, Bourdain, who secretly suffered from depression and was breaking up with his long term partner, recently committed suicide. Very sad cause everyone loved him and he was so social and empathetic. I like that they’re both from New Jersey too.
CLICK HERE Has subtitles

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018

Aretha Franklin

Hello all.

I have been in New Jersey/ Manhattan for a month and jet lagged and busy since my return so I have not published anything for some time.
In the last 10 days, 2 American icons, Aretha Franklin and John McCain have passed away and I wanted my first new post to be about them
Aretha’s death really touched me; I’ve been a groupie and admirer of hers since I was 16. She was my favorite R&B/ soul singer and her voice and spirit were unique. Her funeral was a celebration of music and love and you should google it  (yes, google’s also a verb!) if you can.

I’m including a link to a Washington Post article about her.. I had wanted to post only the links to the first 2 videoclips but there is only a link to the entire article. However, I suggest you only listen to the videoclips embedded in the article unless you’re very interested and ambitious.


My list of favorite Republicans is certainly shorter than my list of favorite R&B singers, but McCain was definitively at the top of that list.  I think he was every Democrat’s favorite Republican because he was a man of great principles and courage. He didn’t care about parties, only his convictions, so 3 of his best friends, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Obama’s VP and Joe Lieberman were Democrats. (in general, he was a hawk, cause of his military background, conservative on fiscal issues and moderate to progressive and humanitarian on social issues).

I will try to find a videoclip or 2 on McCain for another post..

The funerals of Aretha and McCain were both impressive and implicit rebukes ( reproches) of Trump in very different ways. Hers highlighted the richness of what African American culture has brought the country despite or perhaps because of their unspeakable suffering and abuse, something Trump
has never gotten.  Of course, he didn’t attend even though she hadn’t specifically asked him not to but because, unlike the Clintons, he knew he wouldn’t be comfortable there!

As for McCain, he and Trump were enemies. With a very fine intelligence and irony, McCain actually planned his funeral as a slap in the face to Trump. He invited Obama and Bush and asked them to be speakers but specifically asked Trump not to attend. His anger at Trump was justified not only because of his principles but also because Trump mocked him and said cruel things about him even after he knew McCain was dying. Several of the eulogies, his daughter Meghan’s, Obama’s Lieberman’s, and even Bush’s speeches, were implicit contrasts between McCain and Trump, without
 mentioning Trump’s name! You should google Obama’s on YouTube if you have time.. He is such an
eloquent and clear speaker..

I wouldn’t be surprised if, after these 2 funerals, Trump’s polls ( encuestas sobre intencion de voto) drop even more.
PS Apologies if you tried to read this before. My new iPad does very strange things. Still now sure if it’s okay

jueves, 26 de julio de 2018


BY A MUSICAL COMEDY ACTOR AND COMEDIAN RANDY RAINBOW.  A lot of his singing is quite fast in a false operetta tone, but rhymes are so comical and I think not too difficult to understand.
https://youtu.be/k-LTRwZb35A   Or  CLICK HERE

Childhood vocabulary

Reposting this childhood vocabulary document to satisfy a request from a blog visitor.(baychuk.christinalutsk@gmail.com)

Childhood Stories and Memories
The following vocabulary might be used when telling stories from our childhood.
Use your dictionaries and decide in small groups:
  • Which words refer to games or nice things connected with childhood?
  • Which refer to negative aspects of childhood?
  • Which refer to naughty (bad) behavior by children?
  • Which words are connected with physical appearance?
  • Which can refer to a person? /Which may be connected with school?
  • Which are more connected with teen-agers than with small children?
  • Which words refer to actions done or things controlled by adults?
  • Which can be both nouns and verbs?
 obey /disobey
 brat / spoiled brat
play hookie
play ball / play house
The Tooth Fairy
goody- goody
teacher´s pet
make believe
  fairy tales
jump rope
amusement park
play a prank on someone 
braces (on your teeth)
get away with something
merry-go round
slot machines /pinball machines
tattle /tattle tale
hide and seek
(Let´s) pretend

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Stephen Colbert on Trump’s disasterous meeting with Putin’

Long but very funny. A few notes:
Eric is Trump’s younger son, who most people consider even more stupid than Don Lemon
Coates is Trump’s chief intelligence adviser
Trump said after the post meeting press conference he said that he saw no reason why Putin WOULD  interfere in US election but the next day, after a lot of criticism, he said he meant to say WOULD
TURD means poop
https://youtu.be/0nFP1kmGiGoCLICK HERE

sábado, 7 de julio de 2018

Very sad shot video about what Trump Administration is doing

To little immigrant children. So sad but children so adorable
CLICK HERE or. https://youtu.be/34Jf8YvmamU

Funny short silent movie

Subtitles in English. Marcus Pincus is the name of the tailor who made the Talmudic students the suit. The last sentence sounds Latin cause of all the words ending in  “us”, which is a Latin suffix! Enjoy!
Click here or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtgSwZWctHA

domingo, 1 de julio de 2018

Interview with Michael Moore by Stephen Colbert

Famous revolutionary film star Michael Moore is interviewed by comedian Stephan Colbert. He talks about how Americans fight against Donald Trump and about his next movie. In it, he tries to enter Marba Lago, Trump’s vacation home, just like he entered Charleston Heston in a previous film against his he gun lobbby. It sounds interesting. You can get the subtitles in English by clicking on the square bottom right and then checking “English” option
  CLICK HERE.        https://youtu.be/qJS6zDqsgEo

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

-Trump's policy towards immigrants

A congressman from California made this video clip to convince people to ask their Congressmen to impeach Trump.  An impeachment is the word used for the process by which a President is condemned and thrown out of office, as recently happened her with Rajoy.

I think many will agree this should have happened to Trump long ago. Click onto square for subtitles.

Next time will be either funny or non political.


martes, 12 de junio de 2018

A little longer with Seth Myers

Seth Myers is another late night comic, a bit more sophisticated than Trevor. Also makes fun of how Trump treated our allies and hoe treated Kim Jong-Un. CLICK HERE  Subtitles too

Now a funny one with Trevor Noah

The only good thing about Trump as president is what the late night comic do with him. Subtitles as usual. CLICK HERE

lunes, 11 de junio de 2018

a video clip by Bernie Sanders of people form Gaza speaking about themselves

You don't have to read the article unless you want to but go straight to the video clip part. I was very impressed by the Gaza citizens Bernie Sanders interviewed -- by what they tell as well as their level of English. I was also impressed that Sanders, who is himself of Jewish extraction, made this video which is against what has always been the majortiy opinion in the US  and especially under Trump. The video clip is fairly short and has subtitles in English.. When you open the article, scroll down to the video clip, which is after the second paragraph.


martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

The infamous Stormy Daniels on Saturday Night Live

This is a little old but so worth seeing. Alex Baldwin is the actor who always impersonates Trump on Saturday Night Live but Stormy Daniels is really Stormy herself and she’s very funny! New Yorkers and Californians are 90% anti Trump. Enjoy! I believe you can set subtitles, but if not “horny” means sexually excited  pill numbers are popularly numbers in surveys and somebplaying with the word UP!

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Attractive video clip with subtitles

Everyone moves at his or her own time. Short video with a positive message for being yourself, minimizing pressure and confirming that there is no right way. CLICK HERE

sábado, 7 de abril de 2018

Short silly Trevor Noah

A A little eschatological but funny. It’s about Ben Carson, Trump’s only African American cabinet member named by Trump, who has spent a totally unjustified fortune on furniture for his office.
(He’s not alone because the majority of white cabinet appointees have spent unjustified money on furniture or travels!) At one point Noah shows a clip of an interview in which Carson loudly “passed gas” on TV.! In English “fart”



viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

Short and funny post by Trevor Noah

Short (3 minute) funny post with subtitles clicking on bottom right about fight between Donald Trump, 71and Joe Biden, 75 and about Disney’s attempt to make Pirates of the Caribbean politically correct.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

martes, 13 de marzo de 2018

Another laugh at English with subtitles

An advanced English learner talks about his problems with the word “ass”, which can mean “ donkey” or “butt” and with words that sound like it, especially in the USA

Modifying link so you don’t have to go through Facebook

For link  CLICK HERE

viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

A TED talk about Doctors, patients and pharmaceuticals

A little long but very interesting and with subtitles (if they don’t appear automatically, click on bottom right and the English.)


miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Short video about brave Palestinestinian teen

This brave Palestinian teenage girl is so brave and is acting so unfairly. The teenager survivors of the Parkland Florida survivors of the shooting are being quite brave and strong too, talking angrily to Trump and other politicians. Someone said last night on CNN “ The children are acting like leaders and the leaders are acting like children


If the above doesn’t work CLICK HERE

There are a few mistakes in the subtitles. For example, the cousin says”I am 11 years old” and they write “ nine beloved years old”. They spell Ahed Tamimi’s name wrong, she says “some soldier “ and they write “ dumb soldier”, which would be nastier, and finally they write “in gym” instead of IN JAIL! last mistake is important but other than these errors it’s good.

sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018

Another short satire about English with subtitles

Four people in the same English class have trouble speaking correctly . One makes mistakes inngrammar, the next in spelling and words (like dyslexia) one says she has a very small vocabulary-how does she show this- and the last mixes her metaphors and idioms (modismos). Try to find the mistakes each one makes and correct them. You can leave a comment if you have doubts


anti Social satire with subtitles in Spanish

Found with subtitles in Spanis in case with no subtitles it was too difficult

A short human interest clip with subtitles


A 3 year old girl geniois. Really surprising

CLICK HERE  if top link doesn’t work

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Anti Social satire on social networks

Young people today think that someone who isn’t on any social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,etc is anti social and even dangerous because you can’t find out anything about him.
Unfortunately, no subtitles.

Nightmare= bad dream (pesadilla)

Off the grid = outside normal communication. Has no history

Boobs= slang for women’s breasts


A rest from political satire: funny short video on how crazy English is


sábado, 27 de enero de 2018

Bil Maher- just to give you another comic with another accent

He's white of Irish descent he he suggests that Trump could take a rest from hating blacks and start hating the Irish instead!

If the subtitles don't come on automatically, click on the little square box on the bottom right.

A few notes: "pissed off" is slang for very angry ( like"cabreado")

LOATHE is like hate or detest.Trump loathes Rosie O'Donnell, a comic actress of Irish descent cause she's fat and also progressive! But in the subtitle it says "loves" instead. Hope you understand and enjoy.


More Trevor Noah

I want to give you something else but he's just so funny.

Here he makes fun of Trump with another night show host and turns bad and stupid things Trump has said into a BobMarley type rap song!You have to put up with ( aguantar) a 15 second ad first)


jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

Disturbing video about Israel

Watch the video and if you want to, please sign the link. It’s very sad that Israel is increasingly becoming an apartheid state instead of “the only democracy in the Middle East, as they like to say they are. It has subtitles.

Netanyahu and Trump are good friends and similar except that Netanyahu is more intelligent, and they bring out the worst in each other.