Hi all,
Today is the day the grades for the "Cuatrimestrales" had to be handed in. I brought in my Actas in on Friday, so I am sure that they will be published on the CSIM website soon.
Everyone who finished the course passed and with a NOTABLE or SOBRESALIENTE.
ALL the presentations in all 3 classes were very good and showed work.
In my first Conv. B1, from 15.30 to 17.30 there were 4 SOBRESALIENTES ( and 2 others that were very high notables).
In the second Conv. B 1, I believe everyone got a NOTABLE, some with higher numerical grades, others lower. There were one or two who would have recieved a SOBRE but your attendance was more irregular.
The Conv. B2 was more similar to th2nd Conv. B1 one but with 1 SOBRE.
As for the earlier Conv. B1, are we still "on" for a Peruvian dinner on Feb. 12th. Can Víctor make the reservation?
Finally, a link to a funny YouTube which is also good for your English comprehension. If you can't see it casue it's private on the web, please let me know!
Einstein the parrot, click here
Estimad@s tod@s:
ResponderEliminarwe can meet up for the dinner or whatever in the peruvian restaurant on Monday? I´m leaving on Tuesday at 12 o´clock to Vienna and I´m arraging some documents and stuffs. Who´s thinking of coming that day?