lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

For all my Conversation groups

Hi all,

Today is the day the grades for the "Cuatrimestrales" had to be handed in. I brought in my Actas in on Friday, so I am sure that they will be published on the CSIM website soon.

Everyone who finished the course passed and with a NOTABLE or SOBRESALIENTE.

ALL the presentations in all 3 classes were very good and showed work.

In my first Conv. B1, from 15.30 to 17.30  there were 4 SOBRESALIENTES ( and 2 others that were very high notables).

In the second Conv. B 1,  I believe everyone got a NOTABLE, some with higher numerical grades, others lower. There were one or two who would have recieved a SOBRE but your attendance was more irregular.

The Conv. B2 was more similar to th2nd Conv. B1 one but with 1 SOBRE.

As for the earlier Conv. B1, are we still "on" for a Peruvian dinner on Feb. 12th. Can Víctor make the reservation?

Finally, a link to a funny YouTube which is also good for your English comprehension. If you can't see it casue it's private on the web, please let me know!
Einstein the parrot, click here

1 comentario:

  1. Estimad@s tod@s:
    we can meet up for the dinner or whatever in the peruvian restaurant on Monday? I´m leaving on Tuesday at 12 o´clock to Vienna and I´m arraging some documents and stuffs. Who´s thinking of coming that day?
