martes, 22 de enero de 2013

B1.3 Friday afternoon

Tamara has made a very nice summary - good for the 5 or 6 students who were absent.

Thanks, Tamara!  :) K

Summary of last class B1.3 Fridays:

Kate gave back the progres test.
We were comparing types of driving in different cities and countries (Page 19. Ex. 3b). We also discussed about who drives better men or women?
We did different exercises to look the difference between BE USED TO and GET USED TO (Page 19. Ex. 4 and 8). Exercise 8 was specially amazing!
In the break we were talking about kinds of memory. It seems writting memory predominates in our class.
Finally we started unit 2C and did exercises 1 and 2 in groups (It was about timely tips) and 3, 4 and 6.

FOR HOMEWORK: Page 22 Ex. 3 and Page 23 Ex. 6 (only the first topic: "TV makes children violent". Write your opinion.)

See you on Friday! Have a good week!


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