jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Conv. B1 15.30

Hi Class,

Victor just wrote this to us:
Estimad@s tod@s:
we can meet up for the dinner or whatever in the peruvian restaurant on Monday? I´m leaving on Tuesday at 12 o´clock to Vienna and I´m arraging some documents and stuffs. Who´s thinking of coming that day?

The problem is that I have a meeting on tFebruary 11th. Could we possibly make it on Sunday Feb. 10th?    Please!

Kate :)

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello classmate!!!

    The nights sundays are more difficult to me, I prefer another day during the week

    I have create a poll where we write what nights can each one


    I think this way is easier!!


  2. Estimad@s tod@s:
    You could manage this when it´s possible, I can only till on monday, but don´t worry for nothing in other chance we shall meet up anyway, also if somebody wish to go for a walk in those lands, let me know. So that to sum up, I´m leavin on Tuesday for 6 months.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    See you later!

  3. Hi to everybody!!

    I have voted on Nuria´s poll which nights I´d prefer to meet with you, but there are many people that didn't vote yet... please vote!!


  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. One of my favourite songs is SHE, by Charles Aznavour.


    I really love this song for a lot of reasons. I do love the music, Charles Aznavour’s voice, his passion and how to interpret it, how he transmits all his feelings. And I love the lyrics, about the true love for a true person, having different and sometimes opposite facets in her personality.
    He does not idealize the woman he loves, he just understands and loves her in all her facets and personality.
    He makes her seem like a very interesting woman and makes you to think he is a very intelligent man who knows how to be sensitive and be at her level.

    About the comments on the picture:

    I like this picture a lot. He is a very charismatic man, and I like his expression here, between tender and a bit embarrassed in this moment, so far away his normal attitude. I like the colour contrast, brilliant blue, black and white. And I like her skin and his hands.
