lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Conv. B2 Summary of last Wed./Thursday's class by Alejandro

Conv Tue/Thu
Last Thursday we finished with vocabulary and acronyms about the video on Facebook. We have continued working in pronunciation remining the pronunciation of the vowels and trying to obtain some rules for it; after that we watch the funny video of Lucy and Riccardo and we agree with him that it's very difficult to have a good pronunciation when there are more exceptions than good cases in the rules!
We have been talking among us about what we thought on the problems of pronunciation, the pros and cons of having one parent that speak a different language, the funny languages that sometimes small kids invent mixing two idioms, etc. Then we answered questions about the video and the curious case of words that are written with the same letters but the pronunciation is different (BOUGH, THROUGH, ROUGH and COUGH).

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