miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

B2.2: More and better help with (finally) sorting out the Perfect Tenses

Hi Classes,

I hope you're enjoying classes thus far and either have enjoyed your long weekend  (Fri. class) or WILL HAVE ENJOYED ONE by the next time I see you! (Sat. group)

Some of you have pointed out ( I think correctly) that the grammar part of our text quite limited so a colleague led me to some grammar links that I'm sharing with you if you felt that the explanations and exercise in the book didn't clarify things for you as much as you'd have wished.

Here they are:
http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-perfect-verb-tenses-in-english.html (Not calling you dummies here: just means they make very simple to understand!)

I'll be happy to look them over if you print or email them to me.  See some of you in 2 days and others on Sat. the 16th.

Oh--- and if you enjoyed the last TED talk on cities ( and how people in poor neighborhoods adapt) I think you will like these!  We can talk about them and the first one BRIEFLY as a warm-up.

Jeff Speck: The walkable city

Carolyn Steel: How food shapes our cities

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