miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Conv. B2 and B2.2:UPDATED!! Short interesting video clips for listening practice + 1 more

I thought that my last blog- which only 1 student has looked at so far - would be enough. But I often get short video clips in English, so I'll just use this post to put any I've received. If you click onto captions, you can see subtitles in English.

This one is just a nice idea:

The Power of Outrospection and Empathy   CLICK HERE
Very ironic and satirical ad about what the petrol companies would say if they were honest. (If another image comes up, just click it away!

Click here

One more: about a 16 year-old who found a way to diagonose pancreatic cancer and other diseases earlier.

Its 6 minutes and though he talks fast ( he's a teenager) there is a transcript!

CLICK here

2 and 1/2 minutes with subtitles in English. About robitic bees. Click here

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