domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Con B2 3-D Printing (for science majors)

Hi -

Hope you are all enjoying your vacation.

A few of you who are engineers or studying some field of science have expressed a little frustration that most of the topics we've discussed- with the exception of Climate Change-  are not about science-related topics. I just received a short video clip on 3 D printing that seems like science fiction to me but apparently is very near to becoming a reality! Here's the link to a short video clip. There are lots of images to help you understand. And if you click onto "captions, you can see subtitles in English. There are a few errors ( for example, when the speakers are thinking and say a "filler" like "Hmm" or "er", they write a word like "I'm" or "our" instead.  But those were the only mistakes I noticed so they are quite good. Hope you see and enjoy it.  Those of you who are science oriented should see it and explain it to the rest of us at the beginning of the frist class after the vacation.  Not sure the link worked as posted so:

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