miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

B2.2 Nice video clip about a new kind of fitness routine AND SUMMARY OF LAST CLASS

Just fun for the "puente" Tomorrow I will add the summary of the last class!

Click here and enjoy!


First, we spent quite a bit of time talking about the Presentations and who would do the Presentations together.

In the Friday group, I think everyone can do the presentations on May 24th, as there are several people doing them together including a group of 4 but I still have not heard from some students who weren't there!!

In the Saturday group, there will be 2 presentations on the 17th and the rest on the 25th.

Then we finished Unit 10, with more medical voacabulary and the Listening.

We spent a lot of time on the use of the mdal auxialiaries, Present and Past.

In the Friday group, we began Unit 11 and did all of p.76.
In the Saturday group, we didn't have time ( we have one more class daythan the Friday group!)
so I asked you to study this vocabulary for homework.
Both groups had as homework to write about 1 of the 2 untimely deaths we talked about.

The Friday group had to study the vocab on p. 78.

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