miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Con B1 Summary for last Monday!

From Irene V. Very complete!

Conversation B1 M-W
Here’s my summary of Monday 29:
At first we did exercises about pronunciation with three different sounds:
-The first one: With the T sound. For example: sliced, placed, cooked, washed, whipped…
-The second one: With the D sound: For example: Boiled, cooled, grilled, simmered, study, chilled…
-The third one: With D’ sound. For example: Blended, roasted, decorated, separated, needed…
Then we played two games. The vocabulary from the first is this:
Goose bumps(piel de gallina) 
Gun control
On intership
Too much(negative) demasiado
Very much. Ex: I like it very much
Strike(verb)=aplastar,golpear,arrasar…Ex: I strike the lottery(coloquial phrase)
This game was a board game, with a dice and chips. You had to roll the dice and depending on the box in which hand guards respond to different types of questions. If you fell into one that has a smaller number of the age you are now, you were talking about had happened at that age, and if greater, talking to you like that happened to you at that age. And the box with star, had to answer a question cards.
The second game was about stories in a hotel. Each with a card read the problem was happening and had to represent mimicry through this problem, and the others had to find out. For example: I want to take a shower, but there are no towels in my room. Can you please call the cleaner?
And the class for example said: You look angry.
And that’s all! =) 
Have a nice day.
Irene V.

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