For Monday and Tuesday I would like to talk about the relationship between money and Happiness.
We'll start out with this document:
click here
Then we are going to see a funny scene from Ghost where Ode Mae and the ghost go to the bank.
The exercise that goes with the clip is on the post for July 11 2012 with the label of "movie scenes or series".
But the link to the scene is longer operative. I could only find a link for the end of the scene, if you'd like to see it first.
Hi Kate, here is my recipe:
ResponderEliminarSEA LASAGNA
Ingredients for 6-8 people:
- 2 packets of quick lasagna (no need to boil, just to soak).
- For the filling, we need 500 grams of peeled shrimps, 3 slices of hake, 300 gr. of scallops, 200 gr. of surimi, salt, pepper and olive oil.
- For the stir-fry, we need 2 medium onions, 2 small cucumbers, 8 cherry tomatoes, 1 leek, olive oil, salt and pepper.
- For the white sauce, what we need is 1,5 litres of full-cream milk, 3 big spoonfuls of flour, 60 gr. of butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- For the tomato sauce, we need tomatoes, olive oil, sugar and salt.
How to do it:
I’m not going to explain thoroughly how to do the white sauce and the tomato sauce, because if I do that this recipe would be very long. I will focus on the filling, on the stir-fry and on the proper lasagna.
When the stir-fry is ready on the frying pan, we have to add a couple of spoonfuls of tomato sauce, and pour the contents of the frying pan (stir-fry + tomato sauce) into the glass of the mixer just to mince it.
On the other hand, we have to melt in another frying pan two big spoonfuls of butter and fry 3 spoonfuls of flour lightly until it is toast, stirring constantly. Then we add the full-cream milk gradually until getting a white sauce with medium densitiy.
For the filling, we have to chop the shrimps, the scallops, the surimi and the hake in similar sized pieces, and sauté them just a bit, so they are not raw (they will finish their cook in the oven). Then, we add 2 spoonfuls of white sauce in the filling and we pour the stir-fry into a sieve over the filling, so that the cream falls on our filling.
Now, we have to make the proper lasagna. We keep it soak for 10 minutes and then we put a coating of lasagna in a dish. After that, we put a coating of white sauce, then a coating of stuffing, then another coating of lasagna and so on. Finally, we cover it with tomato sauce, sprinkle the surface with grated cheese and place the dish in the oven, after preheating it. The lasagna should be in the oven for 15 minutes at 190ºC, and then we have to broil it for 3 or 4 minutes at 220ºC. After that, the sea lasagna will be perfect and ready to be served.
Great Maria. I can't wait to try it.
EliminarJust 3 mistakes. "blend it" rather than "mince it" (mince is cut in very small pieces) toastED nd "layer" rather than "coating". (This I mentioned in class.) Otherwise perfect!
ResponderEliminarHi everyone,
I will share with you my recipe for doing french quiche.
You need the following ingredients:
-Brown pepper
-2 eggs
-250 ml of liquid cream (it means a normal water glass)
-2 medium onions
-100 gr of bacon
-dough (you can buy it)
-You must spread with butter a round oven pan. Over it, you extend the dough and put in the oven for ten minuts, in order to give it a crispier consistency.
Now you must prepare the filling. Chop the onions and cook them slowly in a normal pan with a little bit of oil. They must get transparent, never crispy. Do the same with the bacon (it can be crispy if you like it).
Mix the onions and the bacon and leave them aside.
Now you have to stir the eggs with the cream. This mixture needs a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper and bit of nutmeg (be careful with the salt, as you are using bacon).
You also add to this mixture the bacon and the onion; stir it well, and you already have your filling. Pour it on the dough and finish by covering everything with good cheese (it can be grated or in slices).
Put in the oven for 20-30 minuts or till it is golden.
Now enjoy!!
-1 octopus (3 kg)
-5 l. water
-cayenne pepper
-4 potatoes
-olive oil
Way of cooking it:
1. Boil the water in a pot.
2. Put the octopus three times in the pot and then drop into the pot. You have to cook it 20 minutes per kilo.
3. After that, turn off the burner and leave it resting.
4. Peel the potatoes, cut them, and boil the potatoes in another pot.
5. Then put the potatoes in a big plate, and chap the octopus over it with scissors.
6. Finally, add the garlic, salt, the cayenne pepper and the olive oil.
7. Now, enjoy it!