viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Conversation B1 Welcome back after vacation

I hope you have all eaten well, rested well, seen family,etc.

First, I want to say that not all of you have posted you recipes, so PLEASE do it!!

About the class, we will start will a little post Chistmas survey, asking each other questions.


Then because you are a VERY SMART class with different nationalities and also because of recent events, I thought we could talk about prejudices and stereotypes. I have been wanting to talking about more "abstract" and deeper themes with you but in B1, I save this more fOR towards the end!!

So please CLICK HERE   and CLICK HERE.

As usual, I will bring in 3 or 4 copies of each, but if you can PLEASE  print a copy (or bring a tablet, bigger mobile or ipad!)

Finally, we will make a schedule for the presentations.

See you all on Monday!  :)

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