miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Conversation B2 NewsSurvey , Vocab + (Moved up and supplemented)

Hi Class-

A reminder to read the 2 articles from the Mar. 2 post for Thurs class.

We will discuss them within a general context, but we will introduce the topic witN this survey about you and news media:
CLICK HERE  Please print if you can.

I have noticed that a lot of you have seen that very short scene from Casablanca.  We can tie that into the news too. What current politicians or other people in the news seem to be adopting an attitude similar to that of Claude Rains?

Here is some general vocabulary for the news, which is just a follow-up for the M-W class but in time for news discussion in Tu -Th class

Newspeak: CLICK HERE

Finally, the previous post has a nice short fllow-up about working women and I just got another short video clip that has nothing to do with the news, but that you will find very funny and easy to understand.:) K
You Could Be Seeing An Image Here!

Teachers Try To Americanize A Mexican Child's Name And Get A Hilarious Result (To Us, At Least)

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