sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Conversation B.2: a little extra fun with Jon Stewart

This episode of "The Daily Show" will probably be more difficult for you than the Malala interview because Jon Stewart is talking at his normal speed, but then you already know the topic, so that will help!

Helpful Questions

1. What 3 countries are upset at the US and why?
2. What do these 2 words mean:
 - awkward
- eavesdropping
- wire-tapping
3. What politicians had meetings with the angry foreign leaders and where?
4. "Who" is Bo?
5. What accents does Stewart imitate?
6. What does he say was Merkyl's reply when Obama asking her "How are you"?
7. How does he imply ( jokingly) that the secret microphone was planted on Angela Merkyl?
8. How does he think the rest of the world feels about the US?
9. What observation does Stewart make about the grammar of Obama's spokeperson in his denial?



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