martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Excellent summary of Monday's class by Almudena and expressions for expressing opinions

Hi team!
This is the summary of last Monday class. I hope it´s useful for students couldn´t attend.
First of all, we corrected the exercises of vocabulary called “The cinema” attached to Friday class. We can add other pun to our vocabulary because “plot” is not only the events which form the story of a novel, film, etc., but a small piece of land where nothing is built. Otherwise, “Chickflick”, sounds as an amusing word and there is a different between spectators (for sports) and audience (for films). Afterwards, in groups of two, we tried to answer the questions below trying to learn the new vocabulary.
The next topic was “Travels and tourism”:
- We worked a listening with questions called “Travelling tales”.
- We made a rolE-play in pairs: we had to make questions and answers for a survey about what kind of tourism we enjoy and we prefer. Besides, we shared the answers with the whole group.
- We discussed about “Questions for debate”, a written sheet you can find in this blog: advantages and disadvantages of tourism in Spain (environmental effects, employments, corruption and other collateral aspects), the kind of tourism we have got in Spain and we´d like, the polemic “Euro-Vegas project” in Madrid and the globalization of world tourism: “Despite obvious differences, European countries are similar”. Kate asked us a good question: Do you have any friends of others nationalities?
- The last exercise we did was the listening and translation of the famous song “Englishman in N.Y” by Sting. “Alien” is not only a latin or marxist word but an English one!
Homework: At the end of the class, Kate recommended us to work out the vocabulary of “Travel and tourism” for next class (You can find the sheet in this blog). BTW, we hope to use the video player if technical problems don´t prevent us.

See you this afternoon and excuse me my writing mistakes.
Another document.
This is useful for debates, like conventional vs. alternative medicine or Is marijuana harmful?

Click here

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