miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Conv. 3 July '13 for 4th class

Summary of yesterday's class by Mónica.

Hi everybody,

I´m going to summarise what we did yesterday so that the people who couldn´t attend class can catch up on the spot.

Firstly, we did some exercises related to Love stories and, in order to work out that vocabulary, we explain to our classmate a real experience, an invented one or a famous love storY Afterwards, we shared our stories with the other classmates.

After the coffee break, we talked about E. James and her song At last. Previously, we tried to listen to it but we couldn´t due to a technical problem. Then, in groups, we described the photo of Barack Obama and Michelle, the thoughts that we had about that and so on.
Finally, we discussed about politicians in Spain and America, the E. Snowden´s case (if he had made a treason, etc.), and if we feel "safe and sound" being under the close surveillance.

See you later

Facebook and You
See at home if possible: short and funny    Click here for "Facebook and You"

Pronunciation exercises
 1. Click here and click here to listen  You have to download sound part.

To listen  to pronunciation of vowel sounds  click here
3.  Correspondence between written and spoken vowel signs

I Love Lucy: English Pronunciation :   Click here:

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