lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Disturbing view of Trump and other leaders in Europe who are following his example

I think quite a few people in Europe see Trump as crazy and unstable but a clown, who nonetheless has  found a miraculous winning formula for the economy and unemployment. This second  idea, that Trump has been excellent with the economy-and great with employment “ looks a great deal less impressive if you compare him with his predecessor. US unemployment was at 10% when Barack Obama  became president at the end of 2008, right after the economic crisis exploded with the fall of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stevens. This crisis originated in the USA and certainly was not the work of any European president, even though leaders of opposition parties tried to make citizens think the opposite. So Obama took over a crashed economy responsible for the worldwide recession. When Obama left in November of 2016 unemployment had dropped to 4’6%, a drop of 5,4%. He never bragged about it. After almost 2 years the braggadocius Trump has brought it down to 3,6- 1% more, he even he loves to say he’s the one who created the economic miracle and for some reason many there and around the world, who don’t examine figures that can be found by checking google, repeat his inaccurate figures and believe him.
As for the first idea, that he’s just a crazy clown, a New York Times video shows he is something far more dangerous- a leader wth deep fascist tendencies

You can put subtitles by clicking onto the rectangular box with cc on it. It’s serious but I think should be taken seriously

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