martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Topic: Education Material for all 3 levels

Hi classes 

Some of this material can be done with all 3 Conversation levels, others are more for B2 or C1

For all levels : Personal questions about your education.

Click here

2. Great song by Pete Seeger, one of the first critical US folk singers and mentor of Bob Dylan

called "What did you learn in school today"? To watch and listen CLICK HERE

There are subtitles in Spanish. But CLICK HERE  for words in English with a few missing. These are typical lies American students learned in school in the 1960's and maybe still do. But eery country teaches its "lies" or official history and values. Think and talk about any lies YOU may have learned in school!

3. This is a link to a scene about a very unusual teacher. It has subtitles in English. What do you think of his class?

We probably won't have time to discuss this before Wednesday.


This will be difficult for Conversation B2 so we will talk about it in a more general way.
In the higher levels we will do a listening that's related thematically.

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