viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Friday class's Presentations

Congratulations and hat's off to the Friday class's presentations this afternoon!! I was a little sad and annoyed at 2 people who didn't come and whose presentations we were expected. But those who did them "hit it out of the ball park" to use an American baseball expression!!

I am going to post a copy of the words to the song as they are very special and I will post links to the videos as soon as I can!  :)
Here's a link to the video clip of the song from my Dropbox.
Click here It has downloaded! Song starts 3 minutes into video clip.

AND the great scene from The Odd Couple
1st part Click here.
 May take a few minutes to download and sorry my video camera is so jumpy!

CLICK HERE  for 2nd part of scene.( very short)

3rd and final part of Odd Couple  CLICK HERE

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