martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Good speech by the mayor of New York City on how to oppose Trump

Click HERE

Very special and excellent speech by NYC's mayor Bill de Blasio on the many ways he will oppose Donald Trump. People are already saying that he should be the Democratic candidate for 2020.

Perfect subtitles available clicking onto box with cc.

Note "stop and frisk" = detener y registrar sin causa aparente. ( Tactic used often against young black men by police.)

Sorry most of my video clips are political lately but it's what I receive and a reflection of the times.

On the same site, there is a speech about freedom of the press and the need for the press to tell the truth by the famous journalist Christiane Amanpour, also with subtitles.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Hillary Clinton's final chat to the country

With subtitles anda typical political speech but nice. I mean, she is SANE unlike Trump and, though she'san "establishment " politician, she does have a lot fo admirable qualities and her corruption has been exaggerated.

Anyway, short and esay to listen to