sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

Comedian Trevor Noah on how to respond to Trump's constant lies

Trevor Noah explains how Donald Trump is like a TODDLER.  A toddler is a word for a ver little child between 18 months and 2 aand a half, because to toddle means to walk like a penguin.  Toddlers are the first step beyond baby. There are subtitles to click onto.


martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Good speech by the mayor of New York City on how to oppose Trump

Click HERE

Very special and excellent speech by NYC's mayor Bill de Blasio on the many ways he will oppose Donald Trump. People are already saying that he should be the Democratic candidate for 2020.

Perfect subtitles available clicking onto box with cc.

Note "stop and frisk" = detener y registrar sin causa aparente. ( Tactic used often against young black men by police.)

Sorry most of my video clips are political lately but it's what I receive and a reflection of the times.

On the same site, there is a speech about freedom of the press and the need for the press to tell the truth by the famous journalist Christiane Amanpour, also with subtitles.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Hillary Clinton's final chat to the country

With subtitles anda typical political speech but nice. I mean, she is SANE unlike Trump and, though she'san "establishment " politician, she does have a lot fo admirable qualities and her corruption has been exaggerated.

Anyway, short and esay to listen to


sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

video summarizing Obama's presidency and personality

Barack Obama has not been perfect, sometimes he has done some things I haven't agreed with - but he and Michelle have had more decency, dignity and class than any president I have known in my lifetime.


miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

The best political ad of the year thanks to Carly Simon

You can google the lyrics to the song, but the general idea is quite understandable as well as what is said at the beginning - narcissist, self-grandiose, etc.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

Trump's VP finds it impossible to defend him

subtitles in English


lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

Trump supporters are so stupid that they forgive him for everything

A short video clip with good subtitles in English by clicking on to the little rectangle and then English. (Maybe there are subtitles in Spanish too; I didn't check!)

I don't know if you know that in the US, it has been a tradition for the past 60 years for all Presidential candidates to release (publish) their tax returns ( Declaraciones de la renta) .

Hillary has done it going back 20 or more years. So did Bernie Sanders ( my original favorite) even though he was only a candidate for primary elections. But Donald Trump refuses, giving as an illogical excuse, that his taxes are under audit. Obviously he has something to hide.

Jimmy Kimmel, who has an evening show similar to Gran Wyoming, goes to the street to interview Donald Trump supporters, telling them a lie: that Trump just released his tax return and they have some very scandalous things, such as Trump is only worth $42,000 instead of 10 billion, he took a deduction ( a "write-off") for "breast pumps" ( bombas para aumentar los pechos) for his wives, donated money for the defense of the dentist who killed Cecil the lion ( remember?) or stated that his occupation was "farmer".

The supporters justify EVERYTHING ( maybe a little parallel with PP and Rajoy supporters but more exaggerated?)   To FIB= to tell a little lie

 CLICK HERE    and I hope you enjoy it!

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

More Trevor Noah with subtitles



sábado, 30 de julio de 2016

Another sarcastic Comedy piece about Donald Trump

This is Trevor Noah, the comedian who took over the Daily show after Jon Stewart left - and he is just as good. Here he reveals Trump's craziness and dangerousness with humor and talks about how he actually asked Putin ( who he admires) and Russia to find Hillary Clinton's lost emails from when she was Secretary of State, which is basically asking a foreign country to do cyber spying a the US for his political gain. ( Click onto captions to get perfect subtitles in English.

 On the same link to the right, there is  15 minute long humorous summary of the highlights of the Democratic convention, entitled "Ascent of a Woman" playing with the movie title. it takes a few seconds to pop up.

Click here

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

Comments on the Brexit by British humorist

John Oliver is an excellent British comic who is very critical wth his countrymen. It has excellent subtitles in English but it's a little long and some is difficult. However, the song in the last minute is very funny and easier with a lot of olloquial well known but not politically correct language!


martes, 5 de julio de 2016

Interesting video of Donald Trump with subtitles

Hi again!

In the middle of this article, which is probably a little difficult for many of you to read, there is a short video clip with subtitles, showing all the ridiculous, inappropriate and dangerous thiings that Donald Trump has said in response to terrorism. I couldn't just copy the link to the video clip but it's in the middle of the article. Easy vocabulary-  Donald is not an intellectual!

Interesting article from English version of EL PAIS

Click here

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

Excellent speech against Donald Trump

Ken Burns, a famous maker and director of documentaries, warns university students just how dangerous DonaldcTrump is. Click onto cc at bottom right for excellent subtitles.

I only found 2 mistakes:

1. Waive the one ( no exigir el uno)  when it should be wave a wand (hondear o mover una barrita magica: wand = barrita magica)

2. Hhymn (himno) for HIM

The rest, perfect!


miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Interesting and critical article about the European crisis and its failure to integrate the Moslem population.


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

a young female comic introduces Bernie Sanders

I don't know if you know about Bernie Sanders, the first self-declared Socialist candidate for US president who actually has a chance of becoming President of the US. He is in a very close with Hillary Clinton, who is center left, certainly much better than Donalid Trump and another year would be a very acceptable candidate, but who has taken money from Wall St. and lobbies, like most politicians.

Here he is being introduced by Sarah Silverman, a young and very cute female comedian. Her speech is short and easy to understand and the subtitles are perfect.

Vocabulary tip: neat = "guay"


martes, 15 de marzo de 2016


Hi all and whoever,

This is a series of 3 video clips. The topic is serious but it is something I feel very strongly about - the criminal justice or INJUSTICE  system and how people with mental illness problems are put in jail because there are no adequate mental health services.

Even "Obama Care" has not fixed his problem, though it is finally beginning to address it.

Bernie Sanders has made changing this situation a priority and, to her credit, Hillary Clinton has followed him in taking this situation seriously too.

As you may imagine, the leading Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, only want to cut more costs for health spending and think locking up "undesirable people" is the way to make America safe.

The woman in the first clip speaks very clearly and the subtitles, which you get by clicking onto cc, are perfect.


jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

comic video against Donald Trump

John Oliver, a great British comedian, takes a look and a laugh at the crazy and unbelievable phenomenon of Donald Trump. In the end, he reveals that the original surname of Donald's father was DRUMPF, which he changed to Trump. Not only exactly presidential sounding! A bit difficult but you have subtitles by tapping on little rectangle with cc on the bottom right.


domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Sexist things men - or other women!-say to women

2- minute video about different things women hear too often. If you are a woman, how many have of these comments have you received? If you're a man or a woman, how many have you said?

A few vocabulary notes: attention hoard= acapadora de la atención .

Bitchy=usual means NASTY ( como una perra que gruñe) and doesn't usually have sexual connotation.

Click here for video

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

how money changes people

I have other conversational posts about the relationship between money 💵 and happiness 😊. This 15 minute clip is about the relationship between having a lot of money and niceness an ethics. Do you think the relationship is complementary or inverse.
1 vocabulary tip
* rigged= fixed (amañado)
Click here

CLICK ONTO cc at bottom right for good subtitles in English.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

funny satirical and NOT real political ad

Lcomedian Bill Maher, an atheist but of Jewish extradition, makes a satirical political ad for Bernie Sanders (also a non-practicing Jew) about what he should say to make his Jewish heritage more acceptable to voters in Midwestern Protestant states like Iowa. Were you surprised that some or most of these people are Jewish? By who the most?

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

short video on political corruption in the US

In this short video clip with the entertaining illustrations, you will see that not only Spain has corrupt politics! In a way, it's even worse there because there is no limits to how much individuals and corporations can contribute to political campaigns, which really helps the candidates who vote in their interest. He speaks clearly and with the illustrations, it is not too difficult understand.
